Friday, January 26, 2007

The Nature of Information Response

It was very interesting to read about the three types of signs: Icons,Indices Symbols.

I also thought it was interesting how there are three dimensions of the sign-systems: Semantics, Syntax, and Pragmatics.

I didn't know that much about the different signs that displays information very nicely.

I got very confused when the notes talked about the quantity of information and the topic of bits. That concept seemd very hard to grasp. Shannon seemed to discuss this theory in a way that was hard to understand if you hadn't really heard of it before.

1 comment:

Bharat said...

I agree, Shannon's idea of information is not easy to follow in the first attempt but if you give it some thought and read it a couple of more times, you will be more clear about it. Please notice that Shannon is not concerned in anyway about any other aspects of information but syntax.Prof.Rocha will be discussing more about Shannon's theory in class though.

